First, choose the underlying layer.

layer structure

Include header files

To use async_mqtt, include the following header file:

#include <async_mqtt/all.hpp>

In addition, if you want to use TLS and/or WebSocket, include the following header files. They are not included in all.hpp.

For TLS:

#include <async_mqtt/predefined_layer/mqtts.hpp>

For Websocket

#include <async_mqtt/predefined_layer/ws.hpp>

For Websocket on TLS

#include <async_mqtt/predefined_layer/wss.hpp>

The following namespace alias is defined in all code examples:

namespace as = boost::asio;
namespace tls = as::ssl;


    as::io_context ioc;

    //                     endpoint is client  choose underlying layer
    auto amep = am::endpoint<am::role::client, am::protocol::mqtt>{
        am::protocol_version::v3_1_1, // choose MQTT version v3_1_1 or v5
        ioc.get_executor() // args for underlying layer (mqtt)
        // mqtt is as::basic_stream_socket<as::ip::tcp, as::io_context::executor_type>


    as::io_context ioc;

    am::tls::context ctx{am::tls::context::tlsv12};
    // If you want to check server certificate, set cacert as follows.
    // ctx.load_verify_file(cacert);

    auto amep = am::endpoint<am::role::client, am::protocol::mqtts>{
        am::protocol_version::v5, // choose MQTT version v3_1_1 or v5
        ioc.get_executor(),  // args for underlying layer (as::ssl::stream<mqtt>)


    as::io_context ioc;

    auto amep = am::endpoint<am::role::client, am::protocol::ws>{
        am::protocol_version::v3_1_1, // choose MQTT version v3_1_1 or v5
        ioc.get_executor()  // args for underlying layer (bs::websocket::stream<mqtt>)


    as::io_context ioc;

    am::tls::context ctx{am::tls::context::tlsv12};
    // If you want to check server certificate, set cacert as follows.
    // ctx.load_verify_file(cacert);

    auto amep = am::endpoint<am::role::client, am::protocol::wss>{
        am::protocol_version::v3_1_1, // choose MQTT version v3_1_1 or v5
        ioc.get_executor(),  // args for underlying layer ( bs::websocket::stream<mqtts>)
        ctx                  // mqtts is as::ssl::stream<mqtt>

Layer access

Layer access mqtt mqtts ws wss


TCP stream

TLS stream

WS stream

WS stream



TCP stream

TCP stream

TLS stream





TCP stream


TCP stream

TCP stream

TCP stream

TCP stream