An MQTT connection is established through the exchange of CONNECT and CONNACK packets. This exchange allows the endpoints to mutually communicate their capabilities. async_mqtt automatically updates the internal state of the endpoints when sending or receiving these packets.

  • client: For high-level MQTT client operations

    • The client contains an endpoint internally. The client sends and receives endpoint setting-related packets via async_start(). See Client APIs

  • endpoint: For detailed MQTT operations

    • To send and receive packets, use the async_send() and async_recv() member functions. See Send/Recv packets

MQTT v3.1.1


Send (client only)

  • If keep_alive is set to a value greater than 0, PINGREQ packet sending is configured. A PINGREQ packet is sent if no other packet is sent within the keep_alive seconds.

  • If clean_session is set to true, the endpoint’s Session State is cleared. See keeps session.

Receive (server only)

  • If keep_alive is set to a value greater than 0, PINGREQ receiving timeout is configured. If no packet is received within keep_alive * 1.5 seconds after the last packet, the connection is disconnected.

  • If clean_session is set to false, the session state storage is configured. See keeps session.


Receive (client only)

  • If session_present is set to false, the endpoint’s Session State is cleared. The configured session state setting is retained, meaning that if a PUBLISH packet with QoS 1 or QoS 2 is sent, it will be stored. If session_present is set to true, stored PUBLISH and PUBREL packets are sent.

MQTT v5.0


Send (client only)

Receive (server only)


Send (server only)

Receive (client only)

  • If session_present is set to false, the endpoint’s Session State is cleared. The configured session state setting is retained, meaning that if a PUBLISH packet with QoS 1 or QoS 2 is sent, it will be stored. If session_present is set to true, stored PUBLISH and PUBREL packets are sent.

  • If topic_alias_maximum is set, prepare the topic name - topic alias map for receiving. See Topic Alias.

  • If receive_maximum is set, the receive maximum for outgoing packets is configured. See Receive Maximum.

  • If maximum_packet_size is set, the maximum packet size for outgoing packets is configured. See Maximum Packet Size.

  • If server_keep_alive is set, PINGREQ packet sending is overridden. A PINGREQ packet is sent if no other packet is sent within the server_keep_alive seconds.