client_cli is an intaractive MQTT client.

client_cli has Boost.ProgramOptions style options. is config file. You can also set command line options. The command line options are higher priority than file options.

Type help if you want to see the list of commands.


  • Red colored strings mean command result (status).

  • Cyan colored strings mean a received packet or received result.


You can use the following commands:

Commands available:
 - help
        This help message
 - exit
        Quit the session
 - pub <topic> <payload> <qos[0-2]>
 - sub <topic_filter> <qos[0-2]>
 - unsub <topic_filter>
 - bpub
        build publish packet and send ...
 - bsub
        build publish packet and send ...

Build subscribe packet

bsub is a sub menu.

You can use the following commands:

Commands available:
 - help
        This help message
 - exit
        Quit the session
 - topic <TopicFilter>

 - qos <[0-2]>

 - nl <[0|1]>
        No Local
 - rap <[0|1]>
        Retain as Published
 - rh <[0(send) | 1(new sub only) | 2(not send)]>
        Retain Handling
 - sid <[1-268435455] or 0 (clear)>
        Subscription Identifier Property
 - add_up <key> <val>
        Subscription Identifier Property
 - show
        show building packet
 - clear
        clear packet
 - send
        send packet
 - cli
        Top menu

In order to return to top menu, you need to type cli.

Build publish packet

bpub is a sub menu.

You can use the following commands:

Commands available:
 - help
        This help message
 - exit
        Quit the session
 - topic <TopicName>

 - payload <Payload>

 - retain <[0|1]>

 - qos <[0-2]>

 - pfi <[0|1]>
        Payload Format Idenfitier Property (0:Binary, 1:String)
 - mei <[0-4294967295]>
        Message Expiry Interval Property (32bit seconds)
 - ct <ContentTypeSrting>
        Content Type Property (ContentTypeString)
 - rt <topic>
        Response Topic Property (topic)
 - cd <data(only string supported on this tool)>
        Correlation Data Property (data binary)
 - ta <[1-65535]>
        Topic Alias Property (16bit TopicAlias value)
 - add_up <key> <val>
        Subscription Identifier Property
 - show
        show building packet
 - clear
        clear packet
 - send
        send packet
 - cli
        Top menu

In order to return to top menu, you need to type cli.